Optoelectronics and LIDAR will be the themes for the next Schools on Optics and Photonics

CEFOP will host the Fourth and Fifth Summer School on Optics and Photonics during January 2012.  The IV School, whose central theme is Optoelectronics, will be between Monday and Friday, January 9th to the 13th.

It consists of a series of four short courses, in addition to seminars, that will bring together distinguished researchers in the field: Dr. Michael Gehm, Professor of the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Arizona (U.S.A.) and member of the College of Optical Sciences at that university; Dr. José Haus, Director and Professor of the Electro-Optics Graduate Program of the University of Dayton (U.S.A.); Dr. James Wyant, Dean of the College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona (U.S.A.); and Dr. Payman Zarkesh, Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineeringof the University of New Mexico (U.S.A.), all experts who undoubtedly will offer much to those with an interest in opto-electronics and their applications.

Then, between January 16th and 20th, the V School on Optics and Photonics, whose central themes are teleobservation with LIDAR, atmospheric optics, and air contamination, will be held. The School is intended for students in advanced undergraduate courses, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and professors, and will also consist of four short courses and various seminars.  Invited speakers include: Dr. Á