Entrepreneurship Committee

As a new phase of CEFOP-UdeC, the Entrepreneurship Committee was formed on July 7, 2015, which is composed of representatives of the regional government, authorities from the Universidad de Concepcion, representatives from the forestry industry and the Center directors.  Its main role will focus on technological development activities, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, and it will have the task of orienting CEFOP-UdeC with the generation of products.  This committee will meet quarterly.




Juan Mardones
Regional director of CORFO

Claudio Valdovinos
Director of Development and Innovation, University of Concepcion

David Narea
Subgerente Medio Ambiente, Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, Arauco S.A

Carlos Saavedra
Scientific Director CEFOP-UdeC

Rolando Hernández
Technological Development Director CEFOP-UdeC