Board of Directors

In this new stage of our Center, the formal creation of the CEFOP-UdeC Board of Directors was carried out on June 6, 2015, and it is composed of a regional government representative; by authorities of the University of Concepción; representatives of the telecommunications, copper mining, and forestry sectors and by both Center directors.

The main functions of its members are:

-To know and approve the annual plan of activities

-To know and approve the distribution of funds from the Basal financing program

-To know and approve the annual report in agreement with the APA

-To know and approve the proposal for recruitment of scientific staff at the Center

-Determine and evaluate the level of compliance of Center activities

-To reviewing the reports of the Basal financing program and to decide corrective action when necessary


Board of Directors

Sergio Lavanchy M.

Rector University of Concepcion

Bernabé Rivas Q.

Vice-rector University of Concepcion

Carlos González C.

Vice-rector of Research and Development, University of Concepcion

Roberto Riquelme S.

Dean of Faculty Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Concepcion

Joel Zambrano V.

Dean of Faculty of Engineering, University of Concepcion

Luis González O.

Treasury Secretary , Biobío Region

Jorge Serón F.

Manager Forest operation the Arauco Forestry company

Gastón Parra P.

Project Manager, Mining Company Doña Inés Anglo American

Omar Contreras G.

Gerente Departamento Gobierno y Minería, Mercado Corporaciones, ENTEL

Carlos Saavedra R.

Scientific Director CEFOP-UdeC

Rolando Hernández M.

Technological Development Director CEFOP-UdeC