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Arturo Lezama

Universidad de La República


“Radiation-matter interactions: Effects of quantum coherence”

- Review of atom-light interaction

- Coherence effects in light propagation throught atomic medium. Induced transparency and absorption. Slow and ultra fast light

- Light storage

- Quantum effects. Squeezing. Entanglement between light beams and atomic ensembles


Francisco de Zela

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Lima


“The Pancharatnam-Berry phase: Theory and experiments in quantum and classical optics”

- Berrys original formulation for an adiabatic evolution

- Generalizations of Berrys phase

- First experiments

- Pancharatnams phase in optics

- Hamiltons turns and the Poincaré sphere

- The quantum kinematic approach to geometrical phases by Mukunda and Simon

- Bargmann invariants and Pancharatnam-Berrys phase

- Generalization to mixed states

- Generalization to orthogonal states

- Polarimetric and interferometric methods for measuring Pancharatnams phase

Lectures Notes for this course



Guilherme B. Xavier

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro


“Practical aspects of quantum communication over fiber-optical telecom networks”

Experimental quantum communications have evolved in an impressive manner since the first quantum key distribution experiment over 30 cm of free-space distance. Fast-forward to today and impressive distances of up to 250 km have been obtained in optical fibers, and 300 km in free space. Most quantum communications fiber optical experiments have been done in so-called dark fibers, that is, the single photons do not share the same channel as classical signals. In order to take advantage of current installed optical networks based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), it is important to be able to transmit single-photons multiplexed with classical channels carrying data. This integration is crucial to the commercial success of quantum communication. Another major incentive is due to the widespread deployment of fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) in many countries, meaning that, in principle, quantum communication technologies will be available to everyone in the future. Problems and solutions regarding this integration will be discussed, such as filtering and non-linear effects, and some experimental demonstrations explained.

-Optical fiber basics

-Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)

-Introduction to quantum communications

-Single-photon detectors and sources

-Polarization and time-bin encoding

-Stabilizing the optical fiber

-Multiplexing quantum and classical signals

-Non-linear effects and consequences for quantum communications

-Experimental realizations of quantum communication in fiber-optical classical optical environments

Lecture I

Lecture II


Janos Bergou

City University of New York (CUNY)


“Theoretical tools for quantum information”

- Quantum states

- Entanglement

- Quantum maps and standard quantum measurements

- Generalized quantum measurements (POVMs).

Lecture Notes


Leonardo Neves

Center for Optics and Photonics (CEFOP), UDEC


“An overview on quantum information experiments at CEFOP”

In this course we will give an overview of the experimental research activities at the Quantum Optics and Quantum Information group from CEFOP and present our most recent results. The topics to be discussed are:

1) Manipulating single-photon polarization states:

-State discrimination

-Entanglement concentration

2) Hybrid photonic entanglement:

-Realization and applications

-An optical quantum eraser with state discrimination

3) Manipulating spatial properties of single photons with programmable spatial light modulators:

-Generation of mutually unbiased bases of qudits

-Optimal quantum state tomography of qudits and multiqubit systems

-Multirail logic with transverse interferometers

4) Detector arrays for quantum information processing with spatially encoded qudits and continuous variables of single photons


Oscar N. Mesquita

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


“Optical tweezers and defocusing microscopy”

-Optical tweezers: basic concepts and comparison between experiments and an absolute theory

-Application of optical tweezers in single-molecule experiments with DNA

-Defocusing Microscopy: a new way of phase retrieval and 3D imaging of transparent objects

-Application of defocusing microscopy to study living cell motility

Lecture I

Lecture II

Lecture III and IV

Video I

Video II

Video III

Video IV


Paulo H. Souto Ribeiro

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


“Experiments With Entangled Photons”

In this course we will discuss the basic principles related to the generation and detection of twin photons from parametric down- conversion prepared in entangled states. We will emphasize the experimental aspects of the preparation of two-photon states which are entangled in their transverse momenta and polarization. We will also discuss the use of entangled photon pairs in quantum key distribution and to other tasks in quantum information, such as tests of new methods for the measurement of entanglement and the study of the dynamics of entanglement. Some of the topics are:

-Parametric down-conversion

-Single photon and Coincidence detection

-Spatial effects and the transfer of the angular spectrum

-The Fractional Fourier Transform

-Polarization entanglement and hyper entanglement

-Quantum state tomography and measurment of entanglement

-Quantum Key Distribution with twin photons

-Entanglement measurement and dynamics

